We're getting our puppy in three days, and it's all I think about. She's so cute and fat, and we can't wait to have her. Our apartment has tons of grass for her to run around and poop on, so she'll love that. P.S. I just accidentally put bird poop in my mouth. I don't even want to tell you how.
Grace has been kicking like crazy. I guess that probably means she's healthy. I haven't been as sick lately, and have been able to eat more, so that's nice. It means that I'm growing now too, though, so I will probably have to start wearing maternity clothes soon. I got attacked in a Motherhood Maternity store the other day at the mall by some lady who made me try on like fifteen things, and I had to escape while she had her back turned. I guess they probably realize how hideous all their clothes are, and have to resort to that in order to get any sales. I could never work there. I'm too honest, and would have to tell everyone how awful they look when they try things on.
I've been learning how to play the guitar. That's kind of a lie. I've been getting on Youtube and looking up tutorials for songs I like, and then when I decide it's too hard, I move on to another one. After an hour or two I just start blasting songs I wish I knew and singing really loud. I don't know if my guitar is tuned wrong or if I just play everything really really bad. Is there any way to know?