Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Put your boob away please

What's with all these pictures of people breast feeding their kids with their entire boob showing? Why is that suddenly a commendable thing to do? Is the point to let people know how healthy breast feeding is? FYI breastfeeding IS super healthy. Exposing yourself in public is not. These two things do not go hand in hand. The world has blessed us with blankets and udder covers. Use them! If you think you can't breastfeed without uncovering your entire boob for all to see, then you need to work on your problem solving skills.

Want to know how we've been doing? Well I'll tell you. Grace no longer sleeps. Ever. Morning sickness. Our house is a mess. I have a canker sore.


Ashley Lyons said...

I think Grace is already getting a little jealous! She is getting revenge on you for bringing another in! :) Agreed, people who breastfeed in public give me the skeevys. They are no friend of mine.

Heather said...

I always breastfed in public but I never exposed a boob! I don't think mine were ever big enough, even if I had wanted to :)