Monday, April 16, 2012


So remember how I was painting some stuff, and selling it, and making a little bit of money? Well it's kind of getting out of hand. Like I have 5 pieces of furniture in the garage right now. And on top of that, people who I've sold stuff to are now calling me to paint some of their own furniture. If you know me at all, you know how I feel about jobs. I don't like them. If I do something for fun, then it's fun. If I have to schedule my fun, and people start counting on me, it's not fun. Like tonight I called in sick to yoga. But I am sick. Not super sick, but sick enough. Anyway, I'm starting to get stressed out.

Oh and as if that's not enough, Jeff made me apply for a job caring for an elderly couple. I mean he didn't really make me, but he gave me a lecture on all the things we could pay for if I got the job, and then he started telling me what to say in my application e-mail. He's obsessed with paying off debt right now. I have to tell him to stop talking about money fifteen times every day. I'm not good at money. I'm not good at listening when people are talking about it, or caring about it, or making it. And I rarely spend it, so what more could he ask for? I'm a good wife. I just mopped up dog blood. Aunt Flo paid Sadie a visit this week. I know. Sick. I'm sorry. But can you imagine the mess? We have a white couch. She's not allowed on it, but apparently she lays on it when we're not home. I didn't know this before, but I know now.

Oh yeah, so about Easter. We're the meanest parents ever. We forgot to get Grace an Easter basket. Well I thought about it on Saturday night, but then we decided that we didn't want her eating candy, and she wouldn't know the difference anyway, so on Sunday we went to church, and all the other little kids had Easter eggs full of candy, and Grace had a piece of bread in a baggy.


happybritton said...

you poor poor thing.
dogs on periods sounds like a sick joke played on us humans. it's not cool!

Ashley Lyons said...

DOGS CAN HAVE PERIODS?!! WHAAAAT. Oh my. Awww bread in a baggie. That is cute. I know what you mean about the job thing!

Stacie Hogan said...

I totally know what you mean about jobs. I love crocheting but kyle keeps suggesting i sell hats but i know I would seriously hate that cause then i would have to do them in a certain time frame. Blah. On a side note, I bought that white/tan/pink dress for maddison too. Its sooo cute!